
Friday 22 November 2019

What is Diabetes And how it is harmful to you? | Diabetes, blood sugar, insulin and energy

Diabetes, blood sugar, insulin and energy

Diabetes is a condition in which your body does not properly use glucose. The blood in your blood rises out of your body with a lot of urine, so your cells are depleted of energy.
Glucose is a finely digested carbohydrate that is absorbed into your blood. Glucose in your blood travels through your blood to the door of every cell in your body. Glucose that reaches the door of the cell must be opened by something to enter the cell. Insulin is the key to unlocking cells. Insulin is secreted from the pancreas under the stomach. Depending on the amount of glucose, when the right amount of insulin is secreted, the cells will have enough glucose. Glucose in the cell becomes the energy source for the cell. Glucose in the blood can't be processed because the pancreas can't secrete insulin (type 1 diabetes), and even if some insulin is secreted, the cell's door is heavy or rusted and doesn't open well (type 2 diabetes). There is. Diagnosis of diabetes can be suspected when the concentration of glucose in the blood or urine is higher than normal.
Diabetes, insulin

What are the symptoms of diabetes?

Symptoms of diabetes vary greatly from patient to patient, and often have no symptoms. If you suspect diabetes, you should be diagnosed immediately.

  •   Fatigue
  •   Frequent urination (including urination)
  •   Weight change (increase or decrease)
  •   Visual impairment
  •   Untreated dermatitis
  •   Nausea and vomiting
  •   Fast breathing
  •   Severe thirst
  •   Appetite changes (increase or decrease)
  •   Reduced concentration
  •   Itching
  •   Cock sting and lower back pain
  •   Abdominal pain

Who is handsome?

Diabetes is a very common disease and it is estimated that there are about 2 million people in Korea, which means that about 5% of the population develops diabetes at some point in their lives. Diabetes is a good constitution, but constitution does not mean diabetes. Even if you have diabetes, you can live without diabetes for a lifetime. Diabetes is expressed through wrong lifestyles. Almost all diabetics are made up of a combination of constitution and poor lifestyle. Improving lifestyles can help prevent outbreaks and even overcome them. You should be careful because you are more likely to develop diabetes if:

  •   Obesity
  •   Diabetes family history
  •   Women who have had a baby birth of more than 4 kg
  •   Adults 45 years and older
  •   History of pancreatic disease
  •   Stress, traffic accidents, serious illness, surgery and pregnancy

What is Treatment?

Diabetes treatments include meals, exercise, and medication
If you are diagnosed with diabetes, your treatment plan will be developed by your diabetes care team. The treatment plan includes:

  •   Meal Plan
  •   Exercise program
  •   Selection of therapeutic drugs
  •   Weight control
  •   Feasibility study of new lifestyle

All five of these must be done at the same time, otherwise lame adjustment will occur. The choice of treatment depends on the condition of diabetes. Insulin-dependent (type 1) people with diabetes need insulin treatment. Therapeutics for people with insulin-independent (type 2) diabetes need to be selected in a variety of situations. If you do not need a therapeutic drug, there are several options, including choosing oral hypoglycemic agents, choosing insulin, or administering oral hypoglycemic agents and insulin.

Why is diabetes serious?

Diabetes treatment is not a cure, it means maintaining control. Insulin-dependent patients who need insulin can't live without insulin treatment. But insulin treatment does not mean normalization.
Diabetic complications determine the prognosis of diabetes and include heart disease, kidney disease, retinal disease, lower extremity artery obstruction, and neuralgia. The most obvious way to prevent diabetic complications is early diagnosis and careful treatment. Even with careful treatment, it is difficult to maintain the best condition. For this reason, you should quickly recognize your condition, maintain your normal weight, and conduct regular check-ups to return to your best condition as soon as possible.

Why is diabetes education necessary?

Education for diabetics and the public is very important. As a result, doctors, nurses, nutritionists, exercise specialists, social workers, etc. must all form a team to participate in the training. This includes meal planning, blood glucose levels, medications, or insulin and exercise therapy. Social workers and psychologists need to instill a correct and positive attitude toward a new lifestyle or a lifestyle with diabetes. Education should allow people to enjoy life as if they were normal people.
Diabetes research is part of developing prevention and treatment for patients
Now a days, the treatment of diabetes has advanced in the medical field. This is the result of steady research. The hope of all diabetics is a cure. More research is needed for this.

Complications of Diabetes

As mentioned earlier, the risk of diabetes lies in the development of the complications. Complications of diabetes are scary conditions such as retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy, complications, and arteriosclerosis, all of which can threaten life and cause loss of vision. Recently, it has been demonstrated that careful control of blood sugar can prevent or delay the development of these complications. Therefore, the prevention of scary complications is possible through thorough control of blood sugar, diet control, exercise therapy, drug therapy, etc. through thorough implementation and diabetes education should be fully controlled in blood sugar control.

Diabetes Care Guide

A mild patient
Outpatient care
Inpatient care: Diabetes treatment through diabetes education and life improvement-Patients with severe symptoms and complications need inpatient treatment.
Outpatient Care
Diabetes General Care
General treatment for diabetes

Diabetes Special Clinic

Intensive care for specific cases of diabetes (eg neuropathy, insulin dependent diabetes, obesity diabetes, etc.)
Time: Once a week

Diabetes Education Guide

All diabetics must be educated.
Outpatient Education
Patient education
Education for the public
Inpatient Education
Weekly program for patients with mild symptoms
Complication education for patients with severe symptoms and complications

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