
Wednesday 1 April 2020

April 01, 2020

corona virus pandemic

Corona Virus

Q: What are corona viruses? 

Coronavirus is a large group of viruses. Some coronaviruses cause disease in humans, and others cause diseases in animals such as bats, camels and musk cats. Human coronavirus usually causes mild illness, such as a cold.

Q: What is COVID-19?

The COVID-19 virus is a new variant that has never been found in humans. It was first discovered in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China and caused a massive outbreak. Since then, the virus has spread more widely in China. The COVID-19 virus is closely related to the bat coronavirus.

There is a great deal to know about how COVID-19 spreads, its severity and other virus-related features, and epidemics and clinical investigations are ongoing.

The outbreak of new coronavirus infections among people is always a public health problem. Things are evolving rapidly.

Q: How this Virus Spread?

Coronavirus experts believe that COVID-19 probably spread to other (unknown) animal species after it was derived from bats in China, and then to humans in close contact with these animals. The virus has been transmitted to humans and most of the current transmission is considered human-to-human.

Human coronavirus strains are usually transmitted from an infected person to someone nearby by coughing, sneezing, or by contacting a contaminated hand, surface, or object.

Q: What are the Symptoms of Corona Virus Disease?

The patient may also have fever, cough, runny nose, shortness of breath and other symptoms.

In more severe cases, infections can cause pneumonia along with severe acute respiratory problems.

Condition OF Corona Virus Diseased patient?

open this link to view rare video of the corona virus diseased patient

click here

Islamic dua to save yourself from corona virus

open this video

May ALLAH save all of us from this fatal virus

Saturday 23 November 2019

November 23, 2019

High blood pressure | Harms due to high blood pressure

HYPERTENTION (High blood pressure)

To send blood to each part of the body, the heart must contract and expand at a constant pressure. Blood pressure is the pressure of blood on the artery walls as it is pumped out of the heart. When measuring blood pressure, there are two levels of systolic and diastolic blood pressure, which is the pressure that blood vessels receive when the heart contracts to release blood, and the pressure that blood vessels receive when the heart expands to receive blood. is. High blood pressure is when systolic blood pressure rises above 140mmHg and diastolic blood pressure rises above 90mmHg.

 ■ What causes high blood pressure?

About 90% of high blood pressure is unknown. This is called essential hypertension. The remaining 10% raise blood pressure due to kidney problems, abnormal blood vessels, diabetes, and rarely adrenal tumors. In this case, finding and treating the underlying disease can resolve the hypertension, which is called secondary hypertension.

High blood pressure is a genetic predisposition. If both parents have high blood pressure, 90% of the children have high blood pressure, and if one of the parents has high blood pressure, 40-50% of the children have high blood pressure. As age increases, hypertension develops more predominantly, more often in men than in women, and also in women after menopause. In people with high salt intake and obese people, high blood pressure easily develops, smoking and excessive drinking increase blood pressure. Stress, lack of exercise, aggressive and nervous personality can also cause blood pressure to rise.

■ What is the diagnosis of hypertension?

Measurement of blood pressure

Blood pressure fluctuates from time to time, so you need to measure your blood pressure at least twice to diagnose high blood pressure. You should not smoke or drink coffee 30 minutes before your blood pressure is measured, stay calm for at least 5 minutes, and do not speak when you stop blood pressure. Sit in a chair with your back and keep your arms at heart level to measure your blood pressure.

Diagnostic Criteria for Hypertension

For adults 18 years and older, the optimal blood pressure is defined as less than 120/80 mmHg, normal blood pressure is less than 130/85 mmHg, and high normal blood pressure is defined as 130-139 / 85-89 mmHg. If the systolic blood pressure is 140 ~ 159mmHg and the diastolic blood pressure is 90 ~ 99mmHg, it is called 1st stage (mild) hypertension, and if the systolic blood pressure 160 ~ 179mmHg and 100 ~ 109mmHg, the 2nd stage (medium) hypertension. Stage 3 (Severe) Hypertension is the most severe hypertension, with systolic blood pressure 180mmHg and diastolic blood pressure 110mmHg or more.

Other necessary inspection

In addition to measuring blood pressure, you will need to undergo a variety of tests to determine the risk factors, complications, comorbidities, and damage to your heart, kidneys, brain, and eyes.
Blood tests look for cholesterol, triglycerides, blood sugar, liver function, kidney function, etc., and urine tests for proteinuria, hematuria, and urine sugar. Chest X-rays, electrocardiograms, and eye exams are performed, and echocardiography and carotid arteries are also done if necessary. When doctors or nurses measure blood pressure in hospitals, blood pressure may be measured higher than it actually is. This is called “white hypertension.” In this case, you can measure blood pressure at home or attach a simple blood pressure monitor to your body. You can also take an examination to see.

See Also: Beauty tips to get attractive and smart look

■ What are the symptoms of high blood pressure?

Hypertension is nicknamed the "silent killer" because there are few symptoms unless there are complications. Some people may complain of pulling back or dizziness, but since symptoms vary greatly from person to person, some people have no symptoms even if their blood pressure is high. However, headaches in people with high blood pressure are often tension headaches that are not related to high blood pressure. If you have headaches because of high blood pressure, it is likely that you have high blood pressure, so-called "malignant hypertension". Dizziness often occurs when people with high blood pressure take too much blood pressure while taking medicine.

The most serious complication of hypertension is cerebral hemorrhage, a condition in which a cerebral artery ruptures and damages the brain tissue. Some people lose their consciousness and fall and die of breathing paralysis within a few days.
Hypertension is the most common cause of heart failure, which causes dyspnea. With high blood pressure, your heart muscles thicken and can't contract properly, making breathing difficult. Sometimes you may have to sit out of breath at night. People with high blood pressure appear more easily and more severely because the heart grows and needs more oxygen.

If you have high blood pressure, your kidneys will fail, causing anemia or swelling of your face and limbs. In addition, the eye's retina may detach, or the blood vessels in the eye may burst, causing loss of vision.

■ Looking for the treatment of Hypertension?

If left untreated without high blood pressure, atherosclerosis progresses quickly, and complications such as vascular narrowing and rupture occur early. Therefore, hypertension should be treated aggressively as soon as it is found, preventing the development of complications and improving the quality of life. The treatment of hypertension is largely divided into non-drug therapy and drug therapy. Non-drug therapy, also known as lifestyle therapy, must be continued for a lifetime in combination with drug therapy.

Life therapy

1. Meal

Reduce your consumption of salty foods, sugars and meats, and instead eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits. It is better not to drink too much and not drink too much coffee.

2. Regular exercise

Exercise can help relieve stress, help you lose weight, and lower your cholesterol.

3. Relieve stress

You should try to avoid stress as much as possible in your daily life and always be mentally stable. Always get plenty of rest and sleep.

4. No smoking

You must quit smoking.

Drug therapy

If lifestyle control is not enough to control your blood pressure, you should lower your blood pressure with medication. 
                             There are many medications for hypertension, including diuretics, sympathetic blockers, calcium antagonists, vasodilators, and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, but depending on the patient's condition, they should be taken as directed.

Normal value of Blood Pressure

Your blood pressure should stay below 140/90 mmHg and ask your doctor for the name, dose, and side effects of the medication you are taking.

Friday 22 November 2019

November 22, 2019

What is Diabetes And how it is harmful to you? | Diabetes, blood sugar, insulin and energy

Diabetes, blood sugar, insulin and energy

Diabetes is a condition in which your body does not properly use glucose. The blood in your blood rises out of your body with a lot of urine, so your cells are depleted of energy.
Glucose is a finely digested carbohydrate that is absorbed into your blood. Glucose in your blood travels through your blood to the door of every cell in your body. Glucose that reaches the door of the cell must be opened by something to enter the cell. Insulin is the key to unlocking cells. Insulin is secreted from the pancreas under the stomach. Depending on the amount of glucose, when the right amount of insulin is secreted, the cells will have enough glucose. Glucose in the cell becomes the energy source for the cell. Glucose in the blood can't be processed because the pancreas can't secrete insulin (type 1 diabetes), and even if some insulin is secreted, the cell's door is heavy or rusted and doesn't open well (type 2 diabetes). There is. Diagnosis of diabetes can be suspected when the concentration of glucose in the blood or urine is higher than normal.
Diabetes, insulin

What are the symptoms of diabetes?

Symptoms of diabetes vary greatly from patient to patient, and often have no symptoms. If you suspect diabetes, you should be diagnosed immediately.

  •   Fatigue
  •   Frequent urination (including urination)
  •   Weight change (increase or decrease)
  •   Visual impairment
  •   Untreated dermatitis
  •   Nausea and vomiting
  •   Fast breathing
  •   Severe thirst
  •   Appetite changes (increase or decrease)
  •   Reduced concentration
  •   Itching
  •   Cock sting and lower back pain
  •   Abdominal pain

Who is handsome?

Diabetes is a very common disease and it is estimated that there are about 2 million people in Korea, which means that about 5% of the population develops diabetes at some point in their lives. Diabetes is a good constitution, but constitution does not mean diabetes. Even if you have diabetes, you can live without diabetes for a lifetime. Diabetes is expressed through wrong lifestyles. Almost all diabetics are made up of a combination of constitution and poor lifestyle. Improving lifestyles can help prevent outbreaks and even overcome them. You should be careful because you are more likely to develop diabetes if:

  •   Obesity
  •   Diabetes family history
  •   Women who have had a baby birth of more than 4 kg
  •   Adults 45 years and older
  •   History of pancreatic disease
  •   Stress, traffic accidents, serious illness, surgery and pregnancy

What is Treatment?

Diabetes treatments include meals, exercise, and medication
If you are diagnosed with diabetes, your treatment plan will be developed by your diabetes care team. The treatment plan includes:

  •   Meal Plan
  •   Exercise program
  •   Selection of therapeutic drugs
  •   Weight control
  •   Feasibility study of new lifestyle

All five of these must be done at the same time, otherwise lame adjustment will occur. The choice of treatment depends on the condition of diabetes. Insulin-dependent (type 1) people with diabetes need insulin treatment. Therapeutics for people with insulin-independent (type 2) diabetes need to be selected in a variety of situations. If you do not need a therapeutic drug, there are several options, including choosing oral hypoglycemic agents, choosing insulin, or administering oral hypoglycemic agents and insulin.

Why is diabetes serious?

Diabetes treatment is not a cure, it means maintaining control. Insulin-dependent patients who need insulin can't live without insulin treatment. But insulin treatment does not mean normalization.
Diabetic complications determine the prognosis of diabetes and include heart disease, kidney disease, retinal disease, lower extremity artery obstruction, and neuralgia. The most obvious way to prevent diabetic complications is early diagnosis and careful treatment. Even with careful treatment, it is difficult to maintain the best condition. For this reason, you should quickly recognize your condition, maintain your normal weight, and conduct regular check-ups to return to your best condition as soon as possible.

Why is diabetes education necessary?

Education for diabetics and the public is very important. As a result, doctors, nurses, nutritionists, exercise specialists, social workers, etc. must all form a team to participate in the training. This includes meal planning, blood glucose levels, medications, or insulin and exercise therapy. Social workers and psychologists need to instill a correct and positive attitude toward a new lifestyle or a lifestyle with diabetes. Education should allow people to enjoy life as if they were normal people.
Diabetes research is part of developing prevention and treatment for patients
Now a days, the treatment of diabetes has advanced in the medical field. This is the result of steady research. The hope of all diabetics is a cure. More research is needed for this.

Complications of Diabetes

As mentioned earlier, the risk of diabetes lies in the development of the complications. Complications of diabetes are scary conditions such as retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy, complications, and arteriosclerosis, all of which can threaten life and cause loss of vision. Recently, it has been demonstrated that careful control of blood sugar can prevent or delay the development of these complications. Therefore, the prevention of scary complications is possible through thorough control of blood sugar, diet control, exercise therapy, drug therapy, etc. through thorough implementation and diabetes education should be fully controlled in blood sugar control.

Diabetes Care Guide

A mild patient
Outpatient care
Inpatient care: Diabetes treatment through diabetes education and life improvement-Patients with severe symptoms and complications need inpatient treatment.
Outpatient Care
Diabetes General Care
General treatment for diabetes

Diabetes Special Clinic

Intensive care for specific cases of diabetes (eg neuropathy, insulin dependent diabetes, obesity diabetes, etc.)
Time: Once a week

Diabetes Education Guide

All diabetics must be educated.
Outpatient Education
Patient education
Education for the public
Inpatient Education
Weekly program for patients with mild symptoms
Complication education for patients with severe symptoms and complications

Tuesday 19 November 2019

November 19, 2019

Diifferent Beauty Tips

Beauty Tips

1. Wound Care

According to one study, sugar can be used to treat wounds. The sugary ingredients help to clean the wound and regenerate the torn blood vessels. It is also useful to know in case of an emergency without sugar therapy, ointment or disinfectant, which doctors also recommend.

2. Stain Removal

To easily remove stains on your clothes, mix 2 tablespoons of sugar with a small amount of water and apply to the stained spot for about 30 minutes. After that, put it in the washing machine and turn it as usual, the stain will be cleared.

This method is particularly effective for removing vegetable stains, and can also be used for removing coffee stains.

3. Facial exfoliation and blackhead removal

Use sugar to exfoliate your face. Mix 1 tablespoon of sugar, 1 tablespoon of rice flour, and 1 tablespoon of milk, and apply to face cleansing. Wait until the water dries and wash off with cold water. This will help you meet smooth, shiny skin without dead skin cells.

4. Lip Exfoliation

Not just a face. Sugar is a good for keratin. Dip crystal sugar into a finger soaked in water and massage gently in a circle. Good for dry, dry lip care in winter.

5. Systemic exfoliation

When sensitive skin is pushed with a towel, it can cause irritation, which can lead to tingling and redness. Instead, rub gently with a solution of 3 tablespoons of olive oil and 4 tablespoons of sugar. After rinsing with lukewarm water, the skin becomes soft like a hot spring bath.

6. Roughened foot care

Sugar is also effective in removing dead skin. Make your feet soft with a hot water footbath, then mix and massage with sugar and peppermint oil. It removes dead dead skin.

7. Confectionery Storage

To enjoy freshly baked cookies, keep them in an airtight container with one or two cubes of sugar. This method is excellent not only for cookies but also for storing cheese.

It is the principle that sugar keeps food fresh for a long time by preventing the growth and reproduction of various bacteria.

Sunday 17 November 2019

November 17, 2019

8 things you should avoid when you sleep 8 hours a day

8 things you should avoid when you sleep 8 hours a day

If you sleep more than eight hours a day and still feel tired and bothered, you should take the time to look. Sometimes stress can be the cause, but when you wake up in the morning, the cause of fatigue can be quite different. Here are eight things you can do to prevent honey sleep at night.

01. Not daily

Our lives have cycles of repeated sleep and everyday rhythms. That is why it is ideal to go to bed at the same time every night. Breaking repetitive rhythms can lead to drowsiness and fatigue.

02. Sleeping on weekends

Sleeping five to six hours during the week and sleeping on weekends can break your body's biological rhythm, causing sleep disorders. It also increases the risk of developing obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Do not change the wake time for more than an hour.

03. Delay the alarm

Turning off the alarm 15 minutes later does not help. Sleeping again can cause you to fall into a deep sleep phase and become more tired when you wake up. Set your alarm at the same time every morning and train your willpower to try to get up.

04. Too much light in the room

When the eye encounters some form of light, it suppresses the production of melatonin, a hormone that induces sleep in the body. This includes the lighting of TV buttons, smartphones, and both natural and artificial lighting. It is better to completely turn off all electronic devices in the bedroom.

05. Skip breakfast

Breakfast will cause the biological clock to count down until the next break. Too much time between getting up and eating increases the level of stress hormones (cortisol) in the body.

06. Eat more sweets before going to bed

 Especially foods with a high glycemic index increase the cortisol in the body. This effect lasts for 5 hours, so it is best to give up pizzas, cakes, potatoes, etc. Eat lighter food i.e less fatty food 5 hours before going to bed

07. Untidy Dragonfly

When bed is full of things, we remind ourselves of things that haven't been done all day. On the other hand, a neat room and a bed with a fresh, fragrant scent will stimulate you to fall asleep early. It's a good idea to stay organized to get a good night's sleep.

08. Hot shower or bath just before falling asleep

Soaking in a warm bath can help you relax and fall asleep, but it's not a good idea to use it right before bed. Lowering body temperature is one of the signals our body sends us. Hot showers or baths before bedtime interfere with this signal. Shower would be a good choice before bed at night.

November 17, 2019

Combine diet and exercise to lose weight!

Combine diet and exercise to lose weight!

Most people are interested in losing weight or body fat, but sometimes they need to gain weight. The basic principle of a safe and effective weight control program is to lose weight through energy balance. This occurs when calorie consumption is more than calorie intake. The most effective way to make up for a lack of calories is to combine diet and exercise.

Balanced diet and exercise are important components of a weight control program. Not only should anyone understand why they eat well and carefully watch what they eat, but if they increase their physical activity in their lives, they can control their weight and win the battle against obesity.

Diet Plan to Lose Weight

People who want to control their weight should understand their diet. A balanced diet should contain the right amount of protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and water. In the case of adults in Korea, the balanced intake ratio of the three major nutrients is recommended 65% carbohydrates, 20% fat, 15% protein. For US adults, energy and macronutrient intake trends are well documented in the National Health and Nutrition Survey Report (1971-2000). According to the report, the average daily energy intake increased 7% for men and 21% for women. The root cause of the increase in calorie intake was absolutely an increase in carbohydrate intake. Therefore, improving our diet and eating habits is very important.

In exercise therapy, exercise frequency, exercise intensity, exercise time, exercise type, etc. are important factors.
Figure 1 shows the effect of fatty acidization according to moderate intensity (about 50%) of exercise, which is high intensity or low intensity.
Long-term aerobic exercise of moderate intensity (about 50%) longer than exercise shows that it is effective in reducing body fat. After all, low-intensity exercise for a long time or moderate exercise in moderate intensity is effective for the metabolic action, so consider the individual's life patterns, and tailor the exercise method of moderate intensity (walking, jogging, biking, Nordic walking, etc.) You must select and run it.


☐ 10 Weight Loss and Exercise Guidelines!

Here are 10 guidelines for weight loss and exercise.

1. Ten Weight Loss Guidelines!

Eat a balanced diet (carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, water).

reduce fat, not muscle tissue.

Do not exceed 0.9kg per week.

A reduction of 7,000 kcal per week can reduce 0.9 kg.

 Take at least 1,200kcal per day.

A person who is taller and more weight loses weight rapidly (reason: high metabolic rate).

In general, men lose weight fast (reason: high metabolic rate).

Improve forced eating.

Eat at least three meals a day.

 Avoid rapid weight loss, medications, and loss of appetite.

2. 10 Exercise Instructions!

Do aerobic exercise at least twice a day.

Do a moderate exercise (low or moderate intensity) for a long time.

Do the proper resistance exercise.

moderate exercise consumes calories effectively.

The main cause of obesity is lack of exercise rather than overeating.

Establish an exercise strategy (maximum fat loss—minimum muscle loss).

When you stabilize, do more muscle activity that uses more calories.

exercise does not increase appetite.

Manual exercise equipment (vibrator, sauna belt, etc.) can not remove accumulated fat.

Local exercise alone does not consume the accumulated subcutaneous fat around the muscles.
November 17, 2019

Nutritional requirements for teenage men

Nutritional requirements for teenage men

Proper nutrition helps young people excel in school and in sports.

Encouraging a teenager to eat a healthy diet can help optimize growth and development. According to the American Children's Healthy Children's Academy of Healthy Children's website, 30% of adolescents don't have breakfast, which can reduce concentration at school and undermine teen athleticism. Nutritional requirements for teenage men depend on their age, activity level and calorie needs.

The more active a teenager is, the more calories are needed to maintain a healthy weight. According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010, teenagers from 13 to 18 need 2,000 calories, 2,400 calories, 2,200 calories, 2,800 calories and 2,600 calories when exercising. According to TeensHealth, youth athletes engaged in intense training therapy may require 3,200 calories per day.

The Institute of Medicine recommends eating at least 34 grams of protein daily, from 9 to 13, and boys recommend age for boys who consume 14 to 18 grams or more. Some teens may need additional protein, especially during rapid growth and intense physical activity. The 52th edition of "Today's Dietitian" reports that a young athlete can claim 2008 grams per pound of body weight each day. Therefore, a 0.68 pound puberty male athlete may need to consume 150 g of protein daily. Meat,  poultry, eggs, seafood, dairy products,  legumes, nuts and seeds are included in high protein foods.

The Institute of Medicine recommends that teenage boys consume at least 130 g of carbs daily and 45% of their total calories from carbohydrates. Therefore, teenage boys should consume 225 grams of carbohydrate 325 as part of a 65-calorie diet, 293 grams for a 2,000-calorie diet, 2,600 grams for a 423-calorie diet, and 520 carbs for 360 grams. According to "Today's Dietitian", a young athlete should consume 3,200 grams of carbs per pound of body weight every day. According to these recommendations, a 1.36-pound athlete needs between 4.1 and 150 grams of carbohydrates per day, depending on the intensity of the training program. Healthy carbohydrates for teens include fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes, whole grains like whole grain pasta and brown rice, milk and yogurt. Seeds and nuts contain small amounts of carbohydrates.

The Institute of Medicine recommends that teenage boys age 13 to 18 and consume 25% of their total calories in fat. This is equivalent to eating 56 grams of a 35-calorie diet, 2,000 grams of 78-calorie intake, and 2,600 grams of 101 grams of fat from a 72-calorie diet. Healthy fats for teenagers include olives, canola, walnut and flaxseed oil, refined fish oil, avocado, olives, peanut butter, nuts and seeds.

Vitamins and minerals
Vitamin and mineral needs for adolescent boys vary by age; The Institute of Medicine is a good reference for your individualized micronutrient needs. In addition to encouraging teens to eat a balanced diet, talk about giving your child's health care provider a multivitamin supplement to help meet your micronutrient needs.